I took it to Craig Bennett's garage for some welding on the front chassis rails. Nothing serious, just a small patch............. what is serious is the huge hole we found in the boot floor....... right under the tank in the "fake" spare wheel well which is a carry-over from the old MKI's. So, next Saturday we are going to take the tank out, cut out the useless "bulge" and re-create a flat boot floor.
It's not an MOT failure, so the MOT is still on for Monday pm. Fingers crossed.
When I got it home I carried on tinkering. The new wood I had re-veneered needing fitting. I'd done the door trims.... (the easy bit!) but I now had to do all the dash and the radio surround.
I'd had the radio surround modified to have the hole a modern stero size, so while I was at it, I put the new stereo and cd changer in.
What a result, I think it looks great!
While I had the dash out I put in an extra 12v cigar lighter on the passengers side parcel shelf. Might come in useful on the RBRR for the Sat Nav, Road Angel and phone charger.
I had a new gerlever trim panel "in stock" so what went on too.
It really has lifted the inside, looks much better now.
Tomorrow is cleaning and (dare I say it...........................) POLISHING time depending on the weather. Then its MOT Monday, tax and then the open road beckons..............!
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